Well, it turns out I have made progress. Lynne was my first girl on
080629.080629 Lynne: (60)
- bodyweight bench press (185) 6/5/4/4/3
- dead-hang pull ups (no kipping) 11/8/6/7/6
081106 Lynne: (79)
- bodyweight bench press (185) 10/6/4/5/4
- kipping pull ups 15/10/7/8/10
Delta: ~25%
Here's the kicker -- both PUs and BP improved by ~25%. That shows good balance. I have also lost 5 pounds (I now weight 182 vs 187 when I started) and my blood pressure is way down.
The comparison is not totally fair since I am now kipping, but I find kipping to be nearly as difficult as dead hang because my grip is my weak point and kipping puts much more pressure on your hands then dead hang.
Interesting note: I do pull ups all the time and I never bench. Odd that they showed the same improvement.