
CF WOD 080820

Three rounds for time:
  • Run 400 meters
  • 1 1/2 pood Kettlebell X 21 swings (or 55 pound dumbbell swing)
  • 12 Pull-ups
18:30 as posted.


MMAdrian said...

where are you lifting now? Still at CF gym by your house?

plieb said...

I work out wherever I need to. For example, two weeks ago I drove to ACC Northridge with my Olympic weight set because they have a 20' climbing rope. I did rope climbs and squat cleans in the ACC parking lot. I work out at the JCC on the weekends. They also have a lap pool and a concept II rowing machine. I run at Lamar Middle School and during the week I do the CF WOD at the Dell. I do get some funny looks during Olympic lifts but the gym is never crowded. The only drawback to the Dell gym is that I have to run on treadmills.