CF WOD 080830:
Four rounds for time:
- Run 400 meters
- Rest 2 minutes
On that note, the Human Kinetics series is without a doubt the best line of fitness books I have come across. Every one of them is written by experts and has very high production quality. The wrestling and rugby series are excellent and the strength training series includes authors by luminaries such as Tudor Bompa. But I have to say Mike Boyle's book is my favorite. "Functional Training For Sports" is as ground breaking as Crossfit. Boyle's system emphasizes body weight exercises and isolation movements intended to enhance sports performance and prevent injury. Whereas Crossfit generalizes to all physical activities, FTFS is very specifically geared toward enhancing sports performance through exercises that emulate sports specific movement.
Is that book you own or did you find an article online somewhere?
It's a book I own. I HIGHLY recommend it.
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