
120710 Clean

roll out
100 DU
C 5x135/5x165/5x185/5x205/5x215
P 3x135/3x155/3x165/3x175/3x185
42 tire flips

120709 BP

roll out
100 DU 2:30
4x3x3 10 lbs med ball throw
BP 3x205/3x225/3x235/3x245/3x245
SPU 10/10/10/10/10
row 1500 in 6m30s

120707 S

roll out
100 DU
1 leg box jump 3x3x4
5x3 OHS 115/155/185/205/135
S 5x275/3x315/1x345/1x365/1x385
2 x 2min couch sit
tabata ham

120706 Snatch

roll out
100 DU 2:02
B warm up
Snatch 3x95/3x115/1x135/1x145/1x155/1x165(f)/1x165(f)/1x165
Press 5x135/5x145/5x155/5x165/3x185/2x185

120705 Clean

roll out
100 DU 1:52
3x20 KB swing 50 lbs + 3 x 12' wall walk
C 5x135/3x185/1x205/1x225/1x235/1x245

120704 IBP

roll out
4x3x3 med ball throws 10 lbs
100 DU 2:58
IBP 5x185/5x205/5x215/5x225/5x235
SPU 5/7/8/9/10


120702 rest day -- run and kick

Very sore from the 1-leg box jumps... in my chest. hmm. not sure about that one.

15 x40m shuttles (1200m total), 3x3 40m shuttles (720m total)

25 drop goals, various distances and angles

120701 Squat

roll out
100 DU (4:07)
1-leg box jump 3x3x3x3x2 legs x3 rounds
S 3x275/3x295/3x315/3x335/3x345/3x355
KB OH lunges, L-band walk

120630 swim

Rest day, I swam 4 widths of Barton Springs

120629 Snatch

roll out
100 DUs
B. warmup
Snatch 3x115/3x125/3x135/3x145/3x135