
120710 Clean

roll out
100 DU
C 5x135/5x165/5x185/5x205/5x215
P 3x135/3x155/3x165/3x175/3x185
42 tire flips

120709 BP

roll out
100 DU 2:30
4x3x3 10 lbs med ball throw
BP 3x205/3x225/3x235/3x245/3x245
SPU 10/10/10/10/10
row 1500 in 6m30s

120707 S

roll out
100 DU
1 leg box jump 3x3x4
5x3 OHS 115/155/185/205/135
S 5x275/3x315/1x345/1x365/1x385
2 x 2min couch sit
tabata ham

120706 Snatch

roll out
100 DU 2:02
B warm up
Snatch 3x95/3x115/1x135/1x145/1x155/1x165(f)/1x165(f)/1x165
Press 5x135/5x145/5x155/5x165/3x185/2x185

120705 Clean

roll out
100 DU 1:52
3x20 KB swing 50 lbs + 3 x 12' wall walk
C 5x135/3x185/1x205/1x225/1x235/1x245

120704 IBP

roll out
4x3x3 med ball throws 10 lbs
100 DU 2:58
IBP 5x185/5x205/5x215/5x225/5x235
SPU 5/7/8/9/10


120702 rest day -- run and kick

Very sore from the 1-leg box jumps... in my chest. hmm. not sure about that one.

15 x40m shuttles (1200m total), 3x3 40m shuttles (720m total)

25 drop goals, various distances and angles