
WOD 080829

I'm getting a little tired with the high rep, high intensity, metabolic conditioning workouts. As a little experiment, I decided to spend a few weeks going with heavier weights at lower intensities. I think mixing some periodization into the system could pay big dividends by retaining the exercise variation and emphasis on functional movements.

Todays work out -- "heavy-ish fran.
  • 21-15-9 reps of:
    • barbell thrusters (135 lbs)
    • weighted kipping pull ups (15 lbs)
I did not keep time. Instead I went to failure on each "set." This workout followed my typical warmup of jumping rope, arm circles, push ups, squats, Sampson stretch, quarter squat rotations, inch worm, 35 lbs kettle bell swings, and running 400m.

Over the last few months i've noticed crossfit WODs follow a fairly predictable sequence. Throw in the 3 on 1 off schedule and you've established a fairly adaptable schedule. It would be interesting to chart the CF.com WOD variation over some time sample to see what kind of sequences emerge. So another approach I'm mulling over (beyond semi-periodization phases) is totally random crossfit. You put all workouts in a hopper and it spits out a daily workout with a 25% chance of a rest day.

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