
WOD 091129 -- linda


10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of the triplet:

  • Deadlift: 1 1/2 body weight
    Bench press: body weight
    Clean: 3/4 body weight

I went 5-15% above the recommendation -- 275, 185, 135, and stopped at 30 minutes after 10-9-8.


terry said...

i can't imagine completing a whole linda without 50 to 75% scaling. i think 75% would be optimistic.

Supra said...

Agreed w/ Terry, 50-60% scaling would be a decent starting point for someone to size up where they're at with things. Most people won't even be acclimated to the concept of doing 165 reps nonstop of *anything*, at any weight level. I'm game for trying a 60% scaling just to see what happens.....