I am officially out of commission for a few days as I recuperate from the dreaded "hand-foot-mouth" disease, which apparently impairs not only my ability to exercise but also to type. Hand, foot, mouth disease is also known by the slightly more humorous moniker "Coxsakie virus."
Coxsakie is rare among adults. Josh and Eli both had it, and I took on the brunt of their childcare hoping to keep Tracy healthy, and ended up catching it. I'm sure my immune system was run down at the time. Its transmitted via direct contact with saliva, mucous, or feces. Not only have I had direct contact with all three of those things from each of my children, but I probably touched all three simultaneously!
Anyway, my throat started feeling scratchy on Saturday night. By Sunday evening I had full blown shivering chills and a 104 degree temperature. The fever subsided by Monday morning but now I have an incredibly painful sore throat. It feels like someone took a cheese grater to it. There are also small painful blisters forming on both of my hands. Very gross.
Do not confuse hand-foot-mouth disease with "hoof and mouth" disease. When my father in law -- who grew up on a farm -- heard that I had hand-foot-mouth, he recommended putting me down before I infect the rest of the herd.
The only silver lining is that I visited the doctor yesterday and my weight looked good (187 fully dressed, pants, shoes, wallet, keys, phone, etc.) and my blood pressure was 110/60.
Have you been eating grain mixed with animal carcass again??
Good luck with that. You going to be able to trick or treat, right!
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