

This is one of my own invention. Linda preparation. For those who don't know, Linda is a brutal workout:
  • For time 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
    • 185 lbs bench press
    • 135 lbs clean
    • 275 lbs dead lift
My workout:
  • 185 lbs bench press (55 reps)
  • 135 lbs clean (55 reps)
  • 275 lbs dead lift (30 reps)
Hopefully this will help me reach the full Linda workout. I would have done Linda except I only have 1 bar and not enough weight.


MMAdrian said...

How did you break up the reps? Did you do all 55 of bench, before moving on to whatever is next? Did you time it?

plieb said...

I did as many reps as I could safely complete without a spotter. I didn't time it. Between sets I raked leaves, did yard work, and played with my kids. I was watching them so I would crank out a set every couple of minutes.

HunRugger said...

I've done Linda at the gym admidst the stares and wonder. I love Linda it's a great workout. I have done a version of Linda where I add pull ups and sit ups between BP/C and C/DL.

Of course this feedback is from last year, but I did a bodyweight (205) BP workoutI was amazed at how I performed having done no bench workouts in almost 6 month - only the usual CF lifts and push ups for chest - I pulled off 27 reps without racking or resting.