
rugby practice 090305

I went out to rugby practice tonight. I warmed up well and felt good at the outset. By the end of practice I was limping badly. My left calf is very tender from knee to ankle. Not sure whether I'll be up for the match on Saturday or not. I'll just have to rest it and then see how it goes. Maybe it would have been better today if I did not dead lift heavy yesterday.

In terms of rugby, the Blacks numbers are way down. They are light in the forwards and the backline lacks the talent I've seen over the past decade. There are a few notable exceptions. I think I can work myself into the first side if I can get and stay healthy. That would be quite a feat.


MMAdrian said...

Go for it!!!! Nothing motivates like competition. You may not be as bullet-proof as you were 8 years ago, but you sure look fitter than you did back then.

When I hurt my calves, that ice-pipe massage was instrumental in getting subsiding the pain.


plieb said...

i might be more fit, but i'm 18 lbs lighter and a step slower.