
WOD 080624

Todays posted workout was 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 snatch. I'm not comfortable doing the snatch yet, so I decided to do the crossfit total that i skipped last week. The crossfit total is the sum of your heaviest lifts on the back squat, standing shoulder press, and deadlift, performed in that order. I hoped to hit 700, a realistic starting point for my program. Considering I haven't squatted with heavy weight since highschool and I've never performed heavy deadlift or standing shoulder press, 700 felt like an ambitious goal. My eventual goal is 1000.

I started with back squat. 135 x 5, 185 x 5, 225 x 3, 245, 275, 295, 315, and 325. I probably could have gone a little heavier, but I was satisfied.

Standing shoulder press is tough, particularly with no leg movement or bounce. My progression ... 95, 115, 135, 145. I stopped at 145 because I had some trouble locking it out and didnt want to go higher without a spotter.

The workout ended with the deadlift. Most lifters deadlift more than they squat, but I wasnt comfortable going over 325. My progression... 135, 185, 225, 245, and i ended with 275.


backsquat 325
standing shoulder press 145
deadlift 275
total 745

So now my goal is to pack on another 255 lbs between these three exercises.

I also went to rugby practice and played some touch rugby with the Huns.


MMAdrian said...

Nice job, man! 325 isn't bad considering you aren't used to squatting. I bet you approach 400 pretty quickly. Deadlifts!!!! Unless you are doing gobs and gobs of deadlifts, these numbers won't change nearly as fast.

It may not be a WOD, but you may want to try 5 sets of 5 reps on DL every once in a while. And to keep it XFit-like, just superset it with dips or something.

My workout is posted here: http://munozfitness.blogspot.com/2008/06/jun-24-training-session.html

plieb said...

Hi Adrian,

Good point about the DL. We had a 5x5 DL day a few weeks ago but I didn't go above 195.

I think I can make big jumps in squat and DL once I get a little more confident that I won't get hurt. Maybe i week 5. 8)

HunRugger said...

Good to see you digging Crossfit. Everyone thought I was crazy getting addicted to it.

You can bring your DL up quite a bit very quickly from where it is currently. You should be able to pull 350 easily with better technique and get over 400 pretty soon!

Now, the CF purist will hate me for this, but consider throwing Linda in once each month! I think it's one of the best WODs ever, although GI Jane is my all-time fav (100 burpee/pull ups) - no cheating 8 foot bar!