
WOD 080628

Todays WOD For time:
  • 45 Double-unders
  • 135 pound Squat clean, 45 reps
  • 45 Ring Dips
  • 45 Double-unders
A double under is a jump rope technique where you pass the rope under your feet twice on a single bounce. It takes some coordination. You have to explode upward and hang in the air while simultaneously swinging the rope twice as fast.

The squat clean involves performing a standard clean into a front squat position and then performing a front squat with the weight.

Ring dips are just like regular dips on parallel bars except that the surface instability dramatically increases the difficulty. Crossfit says a single ring dip is equivalent to 3 parallel bar dips.

My scaled workout (did not keep time):
  • ran 1 mile (7:30)
  • 45 double unders
  • 45 squat cleans 115 lbs
  • 45 parallel bar dips
  • 45 double unders

1 comment:

MMAdrian said...

Again with the solid workouts while I slack. On 6/28, I was getting ready for my daughter's b-day party. The most physical activity I got was goofing off at my neice's soccer fields. I taught myself to do handstands while plaming a soccer ball in each hand. Its actually kinda cool. I'd say its less stable a surface than the rings!!!