
CF WOD 090124

Crossfit total: (835 lbs)
  • back squat 135x10,185x5,225x3,275,315, failed on 325.
  • shoulder press 135x3, 155, failed on 185
  • dead lift 135x5, 225x5, 275, 315, 335, 355, 365 (pr)
In summary, my shoulder press lost 30 lbs from my pr, my back squat lost 20 lbs from my pr, but my dead lift pr picked up 30 lbs. The good showing on dead lift really salvaged what would have otherwise been a terrible workout.

On 080813 I totaled 825 so 835 is a new PR. Not bad, but my combined PR total is 335 + 185 + 365 for 885, so I felt disappointed at the poor showing despite setting a new PR.


MMAdrian said...

If you want to get stronger, seems like inserting 2 weeks maximal strength training for every 4-6 weeks of CF would be a good idea.

Basic split would be:
Workout A:
-shoulder press: 5,4,3,2,1
-deadlift: 5,4,3,2,1
Weighted pullup: 5,4,3,2,1

Workout B:
-squat: 5,4,3,2,1
-bench press: 5,4,3,2,1
-bent row: 5 x 8

wk1: A,B,A on alterhating days
wk2: B,A,A on alterhating days

MMAdrian said...

I meant B,A,B on week 2.

plieb said...

i think thats a good idea. theres something called a rippletoe strength phase in CF which is really geared toward those trying to get a base strength level to participate, but it could prolly be applied to a general CF program with good result. it only includes squat, dead lift, and press, tho.

plieb said...


3 on 1 off,
5 sets, 5-3-1 reps/set per week

back squat
weighted pull up

shoulder press
weighted dip

dead lift
bench press