
WOD 090808 -- DL/Push up/squat

Today i attended the skills class at Front Range Crossfit in Denver. What a nice facility! Spacious and open, loaded with enough equipment to easily accomodate 25 CFers at the same time. There were 3 trainers there for a relatively small class. I was impressed!

We spent about 1 hour warming up and then working on dead lift, push up, and air squat technique. Next we warmed up for deadlift with sets of 3 going from 135,175,185,205,225. we finished with a short workout.

3 rounds for time of:
  • 10 DL (225 lbs)
  • 15 push ups
  • 20 air squats

My time 5:17. The elevation hit my lungs during the warmup but the workout was not tough. It was a cool 85 degrees, about 20 degrees less than what I deal with in Austin. This sure helped me sweat out my hangover!


scollier said...

Yo, Brian G. is in Denver, look him up and do some xfit'ing.

plieb said...

did you see the spider take down griffin? how about penn? it was a good night for the old guys. silva is making me rethink my rugby retirement.