
CF WOD 080903

Another strength workout. I think Glassman is reading my blog.

As posted:
  • Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 reps
My results:
  • 10 x 135 / 3 x 205 / 3 x 215 / 3 x 225 / 3 x 235 / 3 x 245 / 3 x 255
I didn't go heavy because I was lifting in my garage with a shaky rack and no spotter. Even so, I think it qualifies as a strength workout.

1 comment:

MMAdrian said...

Nice pyramiding!!!! You should do this once every week or two. Same for the other big lifts: bench, Overhead press, deadlift.

I think that will keep your strength moving along as you continue to push your conditioning.