
CF WOD 080910

Today I narrowly avoided the becoming the first person to throw up while lifting weights at my workplace gym!

5 rounds for max reps of:
  • Body weight bench press
  • Pull-ups
  • Body weight back squat
My results :
  • bench press 185 lbs 10/6/5/5/6
  • back squat 185 lbs 12/10/8/7/7
  • pull ups 15/10/8/10/10
With no spotter I didn't go to failure on any exercise except pull ups. I rested about 2 minutes between each circuit and I was GASSED. This workout was brutal.

CF really stole my thunder on strength focused periodization within the crossfit cycle. I'd say 75% of the past 2 weeks WODs have been strength focused. Look slike I underestimated the Coach!

Another thing I learned is that it is damn hard to string together 3 days of strength workouts where you go all out on functional exercises like squatting and dead lift. But I do feel like I'm getting stronger.

Another interesting side node, in the past 4 months this is the 4th time I have benched and I've benched 2x in the last week.

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