
CF WOD 080906

Linda: For time, 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of
  • bench press (body weight)
  • dead lift (1.5 body weight)
  • clean (.75 body weight)
No rest between sets, move immediately from station to station.

My results: 10-9-8-7-6 reps of
  • bench press (185 lbs)
  • dead lift (275 lbs)
  • clean (135 lbs)
I only had one bar so I wasted a lot of time switching weights between exercises. Eventually I got smart and did 7 bench, 7 DL, 7 cl, 6 cl, 6 DL, 6 bench. I stopped at 1 hour with 40 of 55 reps complete.

This workout entailed lifting more weight than I ever have in my life. (11000 lbs dead lift, 7400 bench, 5400 clean = 23800 lbs) I think I ruptured my spleen, btw.

I also ran 1.5 miles at Lady Bird Lake today.

1 comment:

MMAdrian said...

Wow! That's a great workout. Talk about building anaerobic endurance!!! Did you get all 10 reps with 185 on bench without pauses? It be nearly impossible for me to do 205 on bench for 10 clean, consecutive reps.