
CC WOD 080709

CC does not follow the WOD's posted at crossfit.com. Instead, they plan out all WODs on a monthly basis so that you are unlikely to hammer the same metabolic pathway several times in a row and wear yourself out. I think its a good idea in the sense that the primary goal of training should be to be able to keep training. However, I'm not sure if this approach jives with the crossfit philosophy of constant variation (randomness?) that mimics/prepares what you might encounter in the real world.

"Excuse me Mr. Mugger but I can't run from you today because I squatted yesterday and I'm still recovering."

Todays workout:
  • 7 rounds of:
    • 10 sumo deadlift high pull (75 lbs)
    • 10 ring dips
  • 3 rounds of:
    • 20 medicine ball crunches to alternating knees (6 lbs)
    • 20 medicine ball russian twist
    • 20 medicine ball situps with ball on legs (hard to describe)
    • hold plank 30 seconds
I finished the first workout in 11:33 which was second in the class. I finished the second workout first but no time was kept. All in all, I felt much better today than I did on Monday.

Todays crossfit.com workout is CFT. I did my last total only 3 weeks ago, so I will probably pass on it. I thought about doing it tomorrow (my rest day) but I should really give myself at least a month.

Other notes: CC is hosting a free workout on town lake this saturday and free body composition testing on sunday. i'll probably forward the info to the huns and blacks rugby club.


MMAdrian said...

YES! Applying a bit of logic and basic physiology to your workouts! I love that CC plans the workouts in advance. Varying the load / rep parameters, the tempo, the planes of movement and the duration (some refer to it as time under tension) will all help keep the pleateau at bay, and push your work capacity higher with less risk of over training.

That ramdoness is why I just can't get into the CF WODs whole-heartedly. I want to know WHY. "Because its random" just doesn't cut it for me.

plieb said...

i think the idea behind randomness i crossfit is that crossfit is geared toward functional strength. everyday activites. and since life isnt planned, you have to be ready for whatever life throws at you, even if it taxes the same muscle groups or metabolic system.