
CC WOD 080723

Today was a good one. Partner workout, so we alternated, and each of us did half the reps.
  • For time:
    • Weighted burpees (35 lbs DBs) 50/40/30/20/10
    • Push press (75 lbs) 50/40/30/20/10
We finished in 21.06, second in the class. I went with 35 lb DBs instead of the prescribed 30 lbs because there were not enough for everyone.

A weighted burpee starts standing with the DBs at your sides. You go down into a plank position, do a pushup, and then come up to your feet with a deadlift, leading with your chest. We didn't jump at the end.

I really enjoyed the last two workouts. I have a makeup from last Friday, so I might do another workout tomorrow. 1-2-3 go!

1 comment:

MMAdrian said...

Mr. Consistency!!! Nice going. Last week was bad for me. My dad came in this past Friday from Seattle, so I pretty much blew off everything over the weekend.

Monday starts my next phase. Since I can't sprint yet, I'll be lifting 4 days a week. I can't wait to start doing a split routine! I think I need a bit more recovery times.

Maybe in a few months I'll have enough recovery ability to move back to a CF-type phase. You are NUTS!!!