
WOD 080719

I skipped Friday's CC workout after tweaking my hammy at rugby on Thursday, so I decided to get in another workout today -- "Angie."
  • For time:
    • 100 pull ups
    • 100 push ups
    • 100 sit ups
    • 100 squats
My time: 35:45. MUCH slower than my previous Angie. Not to mention, I used anchored my feet on the sit ups. At the same time, I did many more kipping pull ups than the first time. Either way, I felt discouraged. Maybe the competitive classroom environment makes me push harder, or maybe I'm just getting weaker.

I actually enjoy crossfitting on my own more than attending the class. I like the 3/1 splits and I like the variation. We haven't seen too much variation in the classes. Theres been no distance running and no heavy lifting or olympic lifts thus far.

Practitioners call Crossfit the sport of fitness. If thats the case, then the classes are the wrong way to prepare for competition. From what I can tell the classes are primarily gained toward losing weight through aerobic training with weights. If I were training for a crossfit competition, I would start with a strength building phase where I really concentrated on the power lifts and olympic lifts. Metabolic conditioning can ramp up pretty quickly but building strength takes time and focus. I would then move into some weak point training to address the areas holding back my progress. For example, I feel that the kipping pull ups and ring exercises would be much easier for me if I had stronger abs. However, its against the crossfit ethos to focus ob ab work and core strength building through isolation.

Anyway, I do enjoy the classes, and I intend to finish out the term, but I think I enjoy crossfitting on my own more even if I lose a bit of intensity.

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