
Crossfit Games Standards and Movements

Next week hundreds of crossfitters will compete in the second annual crossfit games in Armoas, California. The athletes will compete in a series of four events.

The events and standards are described here:


The first three events have already been named:
  • 3 rounds for time (21/15/9 95# thrusters/ pullups)
  • 5 rounds for time (5 275# deadlift, 10 burpees)
  • 750m off-trail steep hill run for time
The 4th event will be randomly selected from a hopper deck that includes 54 crossfit WODs.

What is really striking about the games format is that the rules for each movement are very strict. For example, pull ups only count if some portion of the chset under the sternum touches the bar. This standard may present a significant challenge to competitors accustomed to chin-over-the-bar pull ups.

I for one think that the crossfit games are pretty interesting in that they introduce competition into exercise. Plus, I love hill running. I have a feeling that if Walter Payton were still alive, he might crossfit.

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